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Full CalendarAcademy Trip

This event will take place between 9:30am and 12:30pm on 10/02/2025

Calendar Entry Request

Event Title

NHS Insight Trip to Peterborough City Hospital Learning Centre

Location of Visit/Event

Peterborough City Hospital, Edith Cavell Campus, Bretton Gate, Peterborough, PE3 9GZ


10/02/2025 at 9:30


10/02/2025 at 12:30

Event Details

Students will be visiting the hospital as part of a careers trip to have a tour of the labs, a session with a diagnostic radiographer and a question-and-answer session

Dept Link


Year Groups

["Year 12"]

Number of Students


Member of Staff in Charge of Visit/Event

Lucy Anthony

Calendar Category

Academy Trip

Does this trip meet any of the Careers Gatsby Benchmarks

["Benchmark 5 - Encounters with employers and employees (pupils should participate in at least one meaningful encounter with an employer per year)"]