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Year 7 History Flag Fen Trip

Full CalendarAcademy Trip

This event will take place between 9:30am and 2:30pm on 07/02/2025

Calendar Entry Request

Event Title

Year 7 History Flag Fen Trip

Location of Visit/Event

Flag Fen Archaeology Park The Droveway, Northey Road, Peterborough PE6 7QJ


07/02/2025 at 09:30


07/02/2025 at 14:30

Event Details

To improve young people’s knowledge of local history and to develop their historical understanding (use of sources) - To develop their cultural capital through visiting a cultural site - To develop student’s conceptual understanding through analysing sources

Dept Link


Year Groups

["Year 7"]

Number of Students


Member of Staff in Charge of Visit/Event

Josh Draper

Calendar Category

Academy Trip

Does this trip meet any of the Careers Gatsby Benchmarks

["Benchmark 5 - Encounters with employers and employees (pupils should participate in at least one meaningful encounter with an employer per year)","Benchmark 6 - Experiences of workplaces (every pupil should have meaningful experiences of workplaces)"]